2023-2 대학원생 만족도 설문조사 참여 요청(~11/17) / 2023-2 Request to Participate in Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey (~11/17)
- 2023.11.10
- 조회수 1586
안녕하세요, 전자공학부 사무실입니다.
대학원생 대상으로 설문조사를 진행하고 있으니 참여해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
가. 설문 기간 : 연장기간 - 2023.11.17.(금) 까지
나. 설문참여 방법
붙임 파일에 따라 PC에서의 포털 로그인을 통한 설문 응답
(스타벅스 커피쿠폰 증정) 참여자 전원에게 스타벅스 커피 쿠폰 증정
문의: cyber@kookmin.ac.kr , 02-910-4319
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Hello, this is the Electronic Engineering Department's office.
We are conducting a survey for graduate students, so I would appreciate it if you could participate.
We are conducting a survey for graduate students, so I would appreciate it if you could participate.
Target: General graduate enrolled stud ents (excluding graduates)
A. Survey period: Extension period - until November 17, 2023 (Friday) (previously until November 5, 2023)
B. How to participate in the survey
Respond to a survey by logging in to the portal on your PC according to the attachment file
(Starbucks coffee coupon) All participants will be given Starbucks coffee coupon
Inquiry: cyber@kookmin.ac.kr, 02-910- 4319