2024학년도 1학기 일반대학원 수업연한단축신청서 제출 안내(3/4~3/21)/ Information on submitting an application for shortening the school life for general graduate schools in the first semester of 2024(3/4~3/21)
  • 2024.03.07
  • 조회수 1396
2024-1 일반대학원 수업연한단축(조기수료)신청서 제출 안내 드립니다.
-수료자격에 필요한 학점
석사과정: 24학점
박사과정: 36학점
석박통합과정: 60학점

1. 제출기간 : 2024.03.04.(월) ~ 03.21.(목) 16:00까지

2. 제출부서 : 일반대학원교학팀(본부관 307호)
수업연한단축신청 현황을 파악하기 위해 서류제출 전 학부사무실로 방문하시어 확인 후 주임교수님 날인을 받아 제출해주시기바랍니다.


3. 신청대상

 다음에 해당하는 자는 수료자격에 필요한 학점을 취득한 경우에 한하여

 수업연한을 6월 이내에서 단축할 수 있음

 가. 사전이수과목 이수자 : 석사 3학기에 재학 중인 자로 본교 학사과정에서

     대학원 교과목을 수강하여 6학점(B학점 이상 인정) 이상을 취득한 자

 나. 저명한 국제학술지 게재자 : 석사는 3학기, 박사는 4학기, 석박사통합은 8학기에 재학 중인 자로

     저명한 국제학술지(SCI,SSCI,SCIE,A&HCI,SCOPUS)에 논문을 100% 게재한 자

      - 국제학술지 게재논문 실적 계산은 학사운영규정 제24조 2항 참조

      - 논문실적은 입학일부터 2024.06.21.(금)까지 Publish된 실적만 인정

 다. 학석사연계과정으로 선발된 자 : 학부 졸업 전에 대학원 교과목 6학점을

     사전 이수해야 함

4. 제출서류

 가. 사전이수에 의한 단축인 경우

    1) 수업연한 단축신청서 1부

    2) 대학원 성적증명서 1부(사전이수 과목 표시 : 형광펜 등으로 밑줄)

 나. 논문게재에 의한 단축인 경우

    1) 수업연한 단축신청서 1부

    2) 게재 논문 1부 (게재 예정 확정된 경우 게재 예정 증명서 1부)

      (게재 예정 증명서를 제출한 경우 최종 실적물은 2024.06.22.(금)까지

     제출 완료가 되어야 함)

 다. 학석사연계과정에 의한 단축인 경우

    1) 수업연한 단축신청서 1부

    2) 대학원 성적증명서 1부(사전이수 과목 표시 : 형광펜 등으로 밑줄)


붙 임 1. 수업연한 단축신청서 양식(사전이수자) 1부.

       2. 수업연한 단축신청서 양식(국제학술지) 1부. 끝.

       3. 수업연한 단축신청서 양식(학석사연계과정) 1부. 끝
2024-1 Semester General Graduate School Course Period Reduction Application Submission Guidelines.

-Required credits for completion qualification
Master's course: 24 credits
Doctoral course: 36 credits
Combined master's and doctoral course: 60 credits

1. Submission period: 2024.03.04.(Mon) ~ 03.21.(Thu) 16:00

2. Submission Department: General Graduate School Academic Affairs Team (N1 Building Room 307)

Please submit within the deadline. For reference, I will check and stamp when you come to the department office to get the seal of the head professor of the graduate school to find out the status of the application for shortening the class period.

3. Subject of application

Those who fall under the following conditions are limited to those who have obtained the credits required for graduation qualification.

The term of study can be shortened within 6 months.

A. Students who have completed pre-requisite courses: Those who are in the 3rd semester of the master's course.

Those who have taken graduate school courses and acquired at least 6 credits (recognized as B or higher)

B. Publishers in renowned international journals: Those who are enrolled in the 3rd semester for master's degree and the 4th semester for doctor's degree, 8th semester for Master and Doctor Integration degree.

Those who have 100% published papers in renowned international journals (SCI, SSCI, SCIE, A&HCI, SCOPUS)

- Refer to Article 24, Paragraph 2 of the Academic Regulations for the calculation of papers published in international journals

- Only thesis results published from the date of admission to 2024.06.21.(Fri) are recognized

C. Those who are selected for the bachelor's and master's degree program: 6 credits of graduate school courses before graduation must be completed in advance

4. Documents to be submitted

 a. In case of reduction due to prior completion

    1) 1 copy of the application form for shortening the term of study

    2) 1 copy of graduate transcript

 b. In case of shortening due to thesis publication

    1) 1 copy of the application form for shortening the term of study

    2) 1 copy of the thesis to be published (if the publication schedule is confirmed, 1 copy of the publication schedule certificate)

      (If a certificate of expected publication is submitted, the final results will be submitted by 2024.06.21. (Fri.)

     must be submitted)

 c. In the case of shortening due to the bachelor’s and master’s degree program

    1) 1 copy of the application form for shortening the term of study

    2) 1 copy of graduate transcript


       1. 1 copy of the application form for shortening the term of study (for those who have completed the course in advance).

       2. One copy of the application form for shortening the term of study (international journal)

       3. 1 copy of the application form for shortening the term of study (undergraduate and master's programs)