- 2024.03.25
- 조회수 7236
2024학년도 1학기 일반대학원 청구논문 지도평가(석사) 및 예비심사(박사) 신청서 제출과 관련하여 다음과 같이 안내드립니다.
1. Subject to examination: Prospective person to submit a thesis requesting for a degree (defence) in the 2nd semester of 2024
2. Submission period and place: From 4/08 (Mon) to 4/11 (Thu) 12:00
*If you do not conduct a guidance evaluation and preliminary review, you cannot defend.
Students who want to defend in the second semester of 2024 must apply.
(In particular, students who missed the last semester must apply!!!)
3. Schedule of instructional evaluation and preliminary review: Refer to Schedule (Attachment 3)
4. submission papers
A. Person subject to preliminary examination (Ph.D. program)
1) Application for preliminary examination
2) Statement of Compliance with Research Ethics
3) Preliminary examination plan (Judges are selected by the department's academic management committee)
B. Person subject to guidance evaluation (Master's course)
1) an application for guidance and evaluation
2) Statement of Compliance with Research Ethics