2024학년도 1학기 학위청구논문 심사위원 추천 안내(~4/17) / Recommendation of judges for Dissertation Evaluation in the first semester of 2024 (~4/17)
  • 2024.04.09
  • 조회수 4421

안녕하세요, 전자공학부 사무실입니다.


2024-1학기 학위청구논문심사 대상자의 심사위원 추천에 대해 안내드리겠습니다.


1. 심사위원 추천 대상 청구논문 심사요청서 제출자

                              (대상명단은 2024.04.15.(이후에 별도 통보 예정)

2. 심사위원 추천

 가심사위원 자격

  1) 본교 조교수 이상 전임교원

  2) 해당 전공교수가 없을 경우 조교수 이상의 외부교수와 박사학위를 소지한 전문가


 나심사위원 추천인원 석사 3박사 5

  1) 박사학위 청구논문 심사위원 중 2명은 조교수 이상의 외부교수, 본교 타 학과 전임교원 또는 박사학위를 소지한 전문가를 추천해야 함

  2) 본교의 전임교원명예교수가 아닌 심사위원은 외부심사위원에 해당함

  3) 심사위원 중 지도교수는 심사위원장이 될 수 없음

  4) 예비논문 심사위원은 본 논문 심사위원에 포함되어야 함

    (변경시 사유 필요)


3. 제출서류

1) 심사위원 추천서 1부 (석박사공통)

- [포털접속 → 학사서비스 → 졸업정보 → 청구논문심사요청 -> 심사위원추천서 양식을 출력하여 심사위원 인적사항을 수기로 작성


2) 외부교수(교수,부교수,조교수)는 재직증명서 1부 (타 대학 홈페이지 게시 내용으로 대체 가능)

3) 외부전문가는 박사학위 증명서(또는 학위기 사본) 1

4) 붙임1.개인정보수집 및 활용 동의서 (외부심사위원의 경우 제출)

4. 서류 제출기한 : 2024.04.17.(수) 17:00까지 학부 사무실 제출 
Hello, this is the Electronic Engineering Department's office.

I will guide you on the recommendation of judges for the thesis review subject to the degree request for the 2024-1 semester.

1. Subject to recommendation by judges: Those who submit a request for review of the claimed thesis

(The list to be submitted will be notified separately after April 15, 2024)

2. Judge's recommendation

A. Qualifications for judges

1) Full-time faculty member at least assistant professor of this school

2) If there is no professor in question, an external professor with an assistant professor or higher and an expert with a Ph.D

B. Recommended number of judges: 3 for master's thesis and 5 for doctor's thesis

1) Two of the judges of the thesis requesting a doctoral degree should recommend an assistant professor or more, a full-time teacher of other departments of this school, or an expert with a doctoral degree

2) Judges who are not full-time teachers or honorary professors of this school are external judges

3)  Your supervisor cannot be the chairman of the jury

4) Pre-thesis judges should be included in this paper's judges

(Reason required for change)

3. Submission documents

1) Judge's Recommendation document (Master's and Doctor's Common)

- [Portal] Access → Academic service → Graduation information → Request for review of requested thesis -> Print out the judge's recommendation form and fill out the judge's personal information by hand

2) External professors (professors, associate professors, assistant professors) have a certificate of employment  (Replaceable with the contents posted on the website of other universities)

3) External experts are required to obtain a Ph.D. certificate (or a copy of the academic journal)

4) Attachment 1. Consent to collect and utilize personal information (submitted by external examiners)

4. Documents submission deadline: Submission to the department office by 17:00 on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 (Future Hall Room 432)