2024학년도 1학기 학위청구논문 심사용 원고제출확인서 제출 안내/ Information on submitting a confirmation document for the examination of the degree claim thesis for the first semester of 2024 (~5/7 17:00)
  • 2024.04.22
  • 조회수 1650
2024학년도 1학기 학위청구논문 심사용 원고제출확인서 제출을 다음과 같이 안내드립니다.
1. 심사용 논문제출(심사위원별 각 1부) : 4/24(수) ~ 4/26(금)
2. 「학위청구논문 심사용 원고 제출 확인서 제출」 : 5/7(화) 17:00까지 
     *박사과정의 경우 교내 심사위원만 확인
  가. 출력 방법 : 
  [ON국민포털] → [학사서비스] → [졸업정보] → [청구논문심사요청] → [원고제출확인서] 출력 
→ 심사위원 서명 날인하여 소프트웨어융합대학 교학팀(미래관 631호)에 제출
[논문심사 일정 안내]
가. 논문심사 실시(석사 1회이상, 박사 2회이상) : 4/29(월) ~ 6/19(수)
나. 논문심사 연기 신청 마감일 : ~5/24(금) 15:00까지
다. 심사요지 제출 : ~6/19(수) 까지
라. 논문심사 결과보고서 제출 마감일 : ~ 6/21(금) 15:00까지     
*논문 심사 관련 내용은 추후에 자세히 안내예정입니다.    

1. Submission of papers for review (one copy for each judge): 4/24 (Wednesday) to 4/26 (Friday)
2. "Submission of confirmation of submission of manuscript for examination of thesis for degree claim"

    : 5/7 (Tue) by 17:00 
*In the case of PhD program, only the in-school judges are checked

 A. Output method: 
  [ON Portal] → [Bachelor Service] → [Graduation Information] → [Request for review of requested thesis] → [Published confirmation of manuscript submission] Printed 

→ Submitted to the Software Convergence University Teaching Team (Future Hall No. 631) with the signature of the judges


[Information on the thesis review schedule]
A. Conducting thesis review (more than one master's degree and more than two doctor's degree): 4/29 (Mon) to 6/19 (Wednesday)
B. Deadline for application for postponement of thesis review: ~5/24 (Fri) until 15:00
C. Submission of Summary of Examination: ~6/19 (Wednesday)
D. Deadline for submission of thesis review result report: ~6/21 (Fri) 15:00   
*We will inform you in detail about the thesis review later.