2024학년도 1학기 학위청구논문 심사위원 위촉 및 논문심사 실시 안내 / Information on appointing judges for thesis claims in the first semester of 2024 and conducting thesis review
  • 2024.04.26
  • 조회수 696

안녕하세요, 전자공학부 사무실입니다.


2024학년도 1학기 학위청구논문 심사위원 위촉 및 논문심사 실시를 다음과 같이 안내하오니 논문심사에 철저를 기해 주시기 바랍니다.


1. 심사기간: 2024.04.29.(월) ~ 06.19.(수)

석사과정은 2회, 박사과정은 3회의 심사를 진행하며, 그중 1회 이상의 오프라인 공개(대면) 논문심사 진행이 필수입니다.

공개 논문심사 일정이 정해지면 학과사무실로 방문 또는 연락하여 심사를 진행할 날짜와 강의실 예약을 하시기 바랍니다.

또한 공개 논문심사 1회는 학부에서 심사위원들께 제공하는 다과를 지원하오니 심사일정 예약시 학과사무실에 문의해주시기 바랍니다.


2. 청구논문심사 기간 1/2경과일: 2024.05.24.(금)  (논문심사연기 신청 마감일)

※ 이번학기 심사기간 중 논문 완성이 어렵다고 판단되는 경우

청구논문 심사 기간 1/2경과일이 지나기 전에 논문심사 연기신청서(붙임2)를 학부사무실로 제출해주시기 바랍니다. (제출기한: 5/23 (목) 17시까지)

(논문심사비는 청구논문 심사기간1/2경과일 이후에는 반환되지 않으며 결과보고서 제출 필수)


서류 확인 및 오류 방지를 위해 실제 마감일보다 1일 앞서서 받고 있는 점 양해 부탁드립니다.


3. 논문심사 관련 서류 제출기한

-논문심사용 원고제출확인서: 2024.05.07.(화) 17:00까지 미래관 432호 학부사무실 제출

-논문심사 결과보고서: 2024.06.20.(목) 17:00까지 미래관 432호 학부사무실 제출


서류 확인 및 오류 방지를 위해 실제 마감일보다 1일 앞서서 받고 있는 점 양해 부탁드립니다.


결과보고서 제출서류 목록

1. 논문심사결과 종합보고서


- ON국민포털 → 업무시스템 → 학사행정 → 졸업관리 → 논문관리 → 청구논문심사요청(원) → 심사결과보고서에서 출력 가능


2. 학위청구논문 연구윤리준수확인서(붙임4 양식)


3. 학위청구논문 표절검사 결과확인서(붙임5 양식)

4. 논문표절방지 프로그램 검사결과보고서 (논문 유사도가 표기된 프로그램 결과지) 

- 한글 학위논문 : 카피킬러 “표절검사 결과 확인서” 출력

- 영어 학위논문 : 턴잇인 “디지털수령증 및 유사도 %가 표기된 페이지” 출력

(붙임6의 메뉴얼 참고)


5. 외부심사위원 심사요지 (대상자만)

심사일정이 정해지면 학과사무실에서 출력하여 심사일 당일에 전달드립니다.

심사종료 후 작성한 외부심사위원 심사요지를 수합하여 다른 서류와 함께 학과사무실로 제출합니다.



 붙 임 : 
          1. 논문심사지침(2024-1) 
          2. 논문심사연기신청서 

          3. 학위청구논문 표절방지 프로그램 검증 결과물 제출 안내

          4. 학위청구논문 연구윤리준수확인서(양식) 

          5. 학위청구논문 표절검사 결과확인서(양식) 

          6. 학위청구논문 표절 검증 매뉴얼 1부. 끝.


문의: 02-910-6701

Hello, this is the office of the Department of Electronic Engineering.

We inform you of the appointment of judges and thesis review for the first semester of 2024 as follows, so please be thorough in your thesis review.

1. Thesis Review period:  April 29, 2024 (Mon) to June 20 (Wed)

The master's course will be reviewed twice and the doctoral course will be reviewed three times, of which at least one offline open thesis review is required.

When your offline open thesis review schedule is set, please visit or contact our department office to make a reservation for the lecture room and the date for the review.

In addition, our office supports refreshments given to judges in the first offline open thesis review, so please contact  our department office when booking the review schedule.

2. Date of 1/2 point of thesis review period: May 24, 2024 (Fri) (Due date of application for postponement of thesis review)

※ If it is deemed difficult to complete your thesis during the examination period of this semester

Please submit the application for postponement of the thesis review(attachment 2) to the our office before 1/2 of the thesis review period passes. [Submission deadline: 5/23 (Thu) by 15:00]

(The thesis review fee will not be returned after the 1/2 period of the thesis review period and the result report must be submitted)

Please understand that we receive it one day before the actual deadline to check the documents and prevent errors.

3. Deadline for submitting documents related to thesis review


 (Future Hall, Room 432) by 15:00 on May 07, 2024 (Tue)

Report on the results of thesis review: Submission to the undergraduate office (Future Hall, Room 432) by 15:00 on June 20, 2024 (Thu)


Please understand that we receive it one day before the actual deadline to check the documents and prevent errors.

Result Report Submission Document List

1. Comprehensive report on thesis review results

- ON national portal → business system → academic administration → graduation management → thesis management → request for review of requested thesis (won) → printable in the review result report

2. Confirmation of compliance with research ethics for thesis requesting degrees (attachment 4)

3. Confirmation of the results of plagiarism test for thesis claim (attachment 5)

4. Report on the inspection results of the anti-plagiarism program (the program result with the similarity of the thesis) 

- Korean Degree Paper: Copykiller "Plagiarism Test Results Confirmation Letter" Printed

- English Degree Paper: Turn-in "Digital Receipt and page with % Similarity"

(Please refer to the manual for attachment 6)

5. Externally judged judges' summary (
Submit only applicable students)

Once the review schedule is set, the department office will print it out and deliver it on the day of the review.

After the review is completed, the external examiner's review guidelines are collected and submitted to the department office along with other documents.


               1. Thesis review guidelines (2024-1) 

               2. application for postponement of thesis examination
               3. thesis submission guide
               4. the thesis research ethics compliance confirmation (form)

               5. the thesis plagiarism test result confirmation (form)

               6. the thesis plagiarism verification manual.


Inquiries: 02-910-6701

Office of the Department of Electronic Engineering: Future Hall, Room 432