- 2024.06.21
- 조회수 5919
안녕하세요, 전자공학부 사무실입니다.
2024-2학기 재입학 일정을 안내드립니다.
1. 일정
가. 원서접수 : 2024.07.15.(월) ~ 07.19.(금) 16:00
나. 학과심사 : 2024.07.23.(화) ~ 07.26.(금)
다. 발표 : 2024.07.31.(수)
라. 수강신청 : 2024.08.14.(수)~08.28.(수)
마. 등록 : 2024.08.26.(월)~08.30.(금)
2. 방법
가. 대상자 : 자퇴, 미등록 또는 휴학기간 만료 제적자
나. 신청방법 : 재입학원서 작성 후 일반대학원 교학팀(본부관 307호) 제출
붙 임 : 재입학원서 1부.
I would like to inform you of the re-entry schedule for the 2024-2 semester.
1. Schedule
A. Applications received: 2024.07.15 (Mon) to 07.19 (Fri) 16:00
B. internal review of graduate school: 2024.07.23 (Tue) to 07.26 (Fri)
C. Announcement: 2024.07.31 (Wednesday)
D. Course registration: 2024.08.14 (Wednesday) ~08.28. (Wednesday)
E. Registration: 2024.08.26. (Mon) ~08.30 (Fri)
2. Method
A. Subjects: Those who drop out, unregistered, or who have been expelled from school due to expiration of the leave of absence
B. Method of application: After completing the re-entry application form, submitting the general graduate school affair team (Main hall Office No. 307)
Attachment: form of the re-admission application.