2024-2학기 학위청구논문 예비심사(지도평가) 실시 안내 및 관련서류 제출(10/7~10/10) / Guide to the Preliminary Judging & Thesis Evaluation for the 2024-2 semester and submission of related documents (10/7~10/10)
  • 2024.10.07
  • 조회수 972

안녕하세요, 전자공학부 사무실입니다.

2024학년도 2학기 논문 예비심사(지도평가) 일정과 제출 서류를 안내드리니, 교수님 및 조교님께서는 첨부된 일정을 참고 부탁드립니다.
또한 예비심사 및 지도평가를 진행하는 조교님께서는 일정에 맞게 관련 서류를 학과사무실로 제출해주시기 바랍니다.

1. 심사대상 : 2025학년도 1학기 학위청구논문 제출 예정자 (*2025.08졸업예정자) (석사 3학기, 박사 4학기, 석박사통합과정 8학기)

2. 석사과정생은 지도평가, 박사과정생은 예비심사를 실시합니다.
*예비심사를 진행하는 조교님들은 심사위원 (교내교수 3명)을 구성 바랍니다.(붙임02_예비심사계획서 양식에 작성 바랍니다.)

3. 제출서류
    1) 논문예비심사(지도평가) 신청서 1부 (석사, 박사 모두 해당)  > 석사과정은 지도평가신청서만, 박사과정은 예비심사신청서만 제출하시면 됩니다. -붙임1-1, 붙임1-2
    2) 예비심사 계획서 1부 (박사만 해당) -붙임2
    3) 연구윤리준수서약서 1부 (석사, 박사 모두 해당) - 붙임3

4. 제출기한 : 모든 서류는  10/10(목) 16:00까지 학부사무실로 제출 바랍니다. (기간 엄수)

1-1. 지도평가신청서 (석사)
1-2. 예비심사신청서 (박사)
2. 예비심사계획서 (박사)
3. 연구윤리준수서약서
4-1,2. 일정표 (국문, 영문)
Hello, this is the office of the Department of Electronic Engineering.

We will inform you of the 2024 second Semester Preliminary Examination (Guided Evaluation) schedule and documents to be submitted. Professors and teaching assistants, please refer to the attached schedule.
In addition, assistants conducting the preliminary examination and guidance evaluation are requested to submit the relevant documents to the department office according to the schedule.

1. Eligibility: Those who are expected to submit their dissertation in the 1st semester of 2025 (*Those who are expected to graduate in August 2025 (3rd semester of master's degree, 4th semester of doctor's degree, 8th semester of master's degree integration course)

2. Master's students receive a guidance evaluation and doctoral students undergo a preliminary examination.
*Teachers conducting the preliminary examination are requested to form a judging committee (three faculty members).

3. Documents to be submitted
    1) one of application for preliminary evaluation (supervised evaluation) of the thesis (applicable to both master's and doctoral students) - attachment 1-1 or 1-2
    2) one of preliminary examination plan (Doctoral only) - attachment 2
    3) one of Research Ethics Compliance Pledge (applicable to both master's and doctoral students) - attachment 3

4. Submission deadline: Please submit all documents to the our department office (future hall 432 room), by 10/10 (Thu) 17:00. (punctual) 
   1-1. one of application for preliminary evaluation (supervised evaluation) of the thesis (master only) 
   1-2. one of application for preliminary evaluation (supervised evaluation) of the thesis (doctoral only) 
   2. one of preliminary examination plan (doctoral only) 
   3. one of Research Ethics Compliance Pledge (applicable to both master's and doctoral students) 
   4-1,2. schedule (korean, english)