- 2024.10.25
- 조회수 1187
안녕하세요, 전자공학부 사무실입니다.
2025년 1학기부터 적용되는 학칙 개정사항 안내드리오니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
제도 개편 주요 사항
1) 박사학위과정 수업연한 1학기 감축<적용: 2025학년도 전기 신입생부터>
과정 |
기존 재학생 |
2025학년도 신입생 |
비고 |
학기 |
학점 |
학기 |
학점 |
박사 |
2.5년 |
36 |
2년 |
36 |
수업연한 감축 |
석박사통합 |
4.5년 |
60 |
4년 |
54 |
수업연한/이수학점 감축 |
2) 석박사통합과정 수업연한 단축제도 변경<적용: 2025학년도 전기 신입생 및 박사학위과정 진급자부터>
구분 |
기존 재학생 |
2025학년도 신입생 |
단축 요건 |
1. SCI급 논문 게재자 2. 대학원과목 사전이수자 (택 1) |
1. SCI급 논문 게재자 2. 대학원과목 사전이수자 3. 수료 성적 4.0 이상 취득자(신설) (택 2) |
적용 과정 |
석박사통합 |
6개월 단축 가능 |
최대 1년 단축 가능 |
박사 |
6개월 단축 가능 (1번 조건 논문 게재만 해당) |
수업연한 일괄 감축에 따라 별도 단축제도 없음 |
↳ 제도 변경에 따라 ‘석박사통합과정은 최소 3년 만에 수료(졸업) 가능’ |
3) 석사과정생의 석박사통합과정 전환제도 신설
제도 개요 |
석사과정생이 재학 중에 석박사통합과정으로 전환하는 제도 |
선발 정원 |
박사학위과정 결원 범위 내 선발 |
시행시기 및 대상자 |
2025-1학기에 자격이 되는 석사과정 재학생(2025학년도 2학기 전환) |
Hello, this is the office of the electronic engineering department.
Please refer to the revision of the school regulations that will be applied from the first semester of 2025.
Key matters for the reform of the system
1) Reducing the duration of the one semester of the doctoral course <Application: From freshmen in the first semester of 2025>
course |
student who are now in school |
from freshmen in 2025 |
memo |
semester |
graduation credits |
semester |
graduation credits |
doctor |
2.5 years |
36 |
2 years |
36 |
reduce semester |
the integration of master and doctor |
4.5 years |
60 |
4 years |
54 |
reduce semester and graduation credit |
2) Changes to the shorter duration of classes for master's and doctorate's integrated courses <Application: From freshmen in the first semester of 2025 and those who are promoted to doctoral course>
classification |
student who are now in school |
from freshmen in 2025 |
Shortening conditions |
1. an SCI-level paper publisher
2. a person who took a graduate course in advance at the time of his undergraduate student (6 credits)
(choose 1) |
1. an SCI-level paper publisher
2. a person who took a graduate course in advance at the time of his/her undergraduate student in kookmin university (6 credits) 3. Those who acquire 4.0 or higher overall grades (new)
(choose 2) |
course |
the integration of master and doctor |
Can be shortened by 6 months |
Save up to 1 year |
doctor |
Can be shortened by 6 months (Conditions SCI-level paper publisher only) |
There is no separate reduction system according to the collective reduction of the school year |
↳ According to the system change, 'the master's and doctoral integration course can be completed (graduated) in at least 3 years.' |
3) A new system for converting master's students to master's and doctoral integration courses was established
A system in which master's students are converted to master's and doctoral integration courses while attending school |
the number of people to be selected |
Selection of doctoral course vacancies |
When to Start and Target |
Master's course students eligible for the 2025-1 semester (conversion to the second semester of 2025) |