2024-2 학위청구논문 예비심사 및 지도평가 심사 실시, 제출서류 안내(~2025/01/23) / 2024-2 Notification of preliminary examination and guidance evaluation of thesis requested for degrees, conducting review, and information on documents to be submitted (~2025/01/23)
- 2024.11.07
- 조회수 898
안녕하세요, 전자공학부 사무실입니다.
2024-2 학위청구논문 예비심사, 지도평가 신청자분들에게 심사 실시 및 제출서류 안내드립니다.
서류 제출기한 : 2025.01.23.(목) 17:00까지 학부사무실(미래관 432호) 제출
대상자 |
제출서류 |
진행 |
비고 |
예비심사대상자 (박사, 석박사통합) |
예비심사결과보고서, 심사요지 (붙임1) |
심사위원(장)/주임교수 |
지도평가대상자 (석사, 석박사중도수료자) |
지도평가서(붙임2) |
지도교수/주임교수 |
합격자 추후 일정 : 지도평가 또는 예비심사 합격자에 한하여 2025학년도 1학기부터 학위청구논문심사(본심사, 졸업심사) 요청서를 제출할 수 있음.
심사, 서류 제출 기간을 숙지하시어 불이익 받는 일이 없도록 해주시기 바랍니다.
1. 예비심사결과보고서, 심사요지 양식
2. 지도평가서 양식
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------
Hello, this is the Electronic Engineering Department's office.
We inform applicants for preliminary review examination and instruction e valuation of the thesis for 2024-2 semester.
We inform applicants for preliminary review examination and instruction e
Documents submission deadline: Submission to the our department office(432 office, future hall) by 17:00, 2025.01.23 (Thu)
Submission documents
Subjects |
Submission documents |
Review Progress |
Remarks |
Subject to preliminary review examination (doctor,Integration of doctor and master) |
Preliminary Review Results Report, Summary of Review (both are Attachment 1) |
committee (chief)/ major chief professor |
Subject to instruction evaluation (Master, Intermediate completion of the master's and doctor's integration course) |
Instruction Evaluation Result Report (Attachment 2) |
your advisor professor /major chief professor |
passed thesis review candidate future schedule: Only those who pass the instruction evaluation or preliminary examination can submit a request for thesis review (main, graduation review) from the first semester of 2025.
Please be aware of the screening and document submission period so that there is no disadvantage.
1. Forms of Preliminary Review Results Report, Summary of Review
2. Form of Instruction Evaluation Result Report