- 2020.02.05
- 조회수 11317
Announcement on Cancellation of
2019 Graduation Ceremony
We are sorry to inform you that the Graduation ceremony for the
2019-2 semester (graduating in February 2020) has been canceled.
1. This is in accordance with the government policy
A. Recommendation from the Ministry of Education
: Demand universities to refrain from group events such as orientation for freshmen
B. Ministry of Health and Welfare report
: Restrictions on foreigners entering from Hubei, China
2. The Kookmin University’s decision to cancell the graduation ceremony is to
protect the students and their family members from the coronavirus-related
disease which is spreading fast in these days.
3. Please also note that
A. Certificate of degree conferment may be issued after (Wed) 2020.02.19.
B. You can pick up your Master’s or Ph.D certificate on or after Feb 19, 2020
at your deparment office
C. We do not rent graduation gowns
D. The degree conferment ceremony in August 2020. will be integrated into the
commencement ceremony for the late 2019 school year (August 2020)
Details will be announced later.
Graduate School Team